The Eleventh Hour

What we can learn from the Great War and the ‘Petty Peace that followed’


Commentary: Many of the crises we face today follow from what was done — and not done — after ‘the eleventh hour’ ended World War I.

After a century of conflict, searching for peace in Bosnia


Kosovo’s ‘House of Cards,’ 15 years after liberation


Why World War I still matters, 100 years after it began


Sarajevo struggles to process its history of war


Returning to sites of Kosovo’s horrors, signs of healing and injustice


The date June 28 has resonated across the Balkans for hundreds of years. Why this year’s observance is particularly poignant.

Mitrovica, a city divided


A look at one of the most divided cities in Kosovo and how it is trying to move on 15 years after the Balkan War.

Why World War I is so often forgotten in America


Analysis: The “Great War” is often overshadowed by World War II and later wars.

The borders of the Middle East are being redrawn by force (VIDEO)


The Islamic State is trying to change the map created after World War I. America’s Kurdish allies have a different outcome in mind.

How World War I made combat even more terrible


Analysis: The ‘Great War’ introduced mechanized technology and the soulless calculus of attrition into warfare.