
The Takeaway

Politics with Amy Walter: Early Voting’s Big Impact on the Midterms

This week on Politics with Amy Walter, we examine all aspects of early voting. 

Early Voting’s Big Impact on the Midterms

The midterms are very much underway. Over 10 million people have already cast their vote as of this week – numbers that are on par with presidential elections. 

“No Precedent” for the Amount of Money in Midterms

This year’s midterms have generated the most money in history. And Democrats are winning the money battle. 

In Wisconsin, a Battle for Trump Voters

While the state broke for Trump in 2016, there are questions over the enthusiasm for the GOP ticket this midterm. 

How Voter Suppression is Affecting Turnout

In some states, hundreds of thousands of voters have been purged from the rolls. We analyze the changes in voting laws that have affected this year’s midterms. 


Michael McDonald

Sasha Issenberg

Elena Schneider

Craig Gilbert

Vanita Gupta

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Attempted Bombings Point to a Widening Political Divide

Attempted Bombings Point to a Widening Political Divide 

Bombs sent to leaders of the Democratic Party Wednesday morning have brought the extreme partisan divide into stark relief.

Ahead of Presidential Elections, Brazil Braces for the Worst

With far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro leading in the polls, many in Brazil wonder how the country came to such a dangerous point.

Big Tech Ideas? To Fix Our Voting System, Experts Say We Don’t Need Them

We asked the experts: what will improve our voting infrastructure in the future? And is technology at the heart of it? They said: it’s time to get back to basics.

Film Festival Celebrates Decades of African American Cinema

This week, the National Museum of African American History hosts its first African American Film Festival, highlighting work that pushes back against harmful Hollywood tropes. 


Jonathan Haidt

Julián Fuks

Rhea Combs

Sacha Jenkins

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Trump-Russia Summit Fallout Continues As Putin Gets Invite to D.C.

Friday host of The Takeaway Amy Walter talks with Chris Painter, the U.S’s former top cyber diplomat and General Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and CIA, about what the implication’s of this second meeting might be for the United States; Republican leaders had harsh words for Trump at the start of the week. That changed as the week wore on; and for the rest of the hour, we focus on the fight for suburban districts in the lead up to the Midterm election. Among the key districts Democrats need to win in order to win back the House of Representatives: New Jersey’s 7th.

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Mythmaking and MS-13: Americans in Fear of an Exaggerated Threat

We take a big look at MS-13 in light of new data that shows Americans fears about the street gang; a look at a new tool police departments are using that allows them to better measure resident feelings about the job they are doing; a Democratic Congressman explains why he is speaking out specifically against newsprint tariffs; 90 percent of us either hate cooking or feel lukewarm about it. What’s a grocery store to do?; and a look at two big films out this summer centered on issues of race. 

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