
Color of you skin makes a difference in how much Vitamin D you get

Health & Medicine

Doctors have been aware of the importance of Vitamin D for a few years now. The vitamin, which is more like a hormone that other vitamin, is partly responsible for a whole host of bodily functions, including regulating just how happy you are. But it turns out that it’s a lot harder for black Americans to generate Vitamin D.

Skin color and vitamin D

Health & Medicine

Genetically engineered Golden Rice

Health & Medicine
The World

Skin Color and Vitamin D

The World

Skin Color and Vitamin D

The World

Environmental Health Note/Moderation is Key for Vita-E

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on research that suggests too much vitamin E might be bad for your health.

The World

Environmental Health Note/Benefits of Vitamin C

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a new study that shows a smoker’s risk of stroke can be drastically reduced by eating foods high in vitamin c

The World

Health Note/Chemo-Prevention

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a new drug derived from Vitamin A that may help former smokers ward off lung cancer.

The World

Health Note/Vitamin E & Prostate Cancer

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on how vitamin E may play a surprising role in fighting prostate cancer.

The World

The Sun is Out. Are Your Kids?

Health & Medicine

Two new studies show that kids are not getting enough sun. This leads to disturbingly low levels of vitamin D, which increases the risk for bone problems, heart disease, and diabetes. The Takeaway talks to Michal Melamed, who conducted one of the studies.