United States Fish and Wildlife Service

The World

Endangered Species Act Update

Barbara Ferry reports from Washington, D.C. on the most recent developments with the Endangered Species Act and its ability to protect dwindling species.

The Living on Earth Almanac

California Species Amendments

The World


The World

The Case for Private Property Rights

The World

New Administration Bolsters Endangered Species Act

Michael Richards reports from Washington on the upcoming Congressional fight over reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act. In the face of strong support for the act from the Clinton administration, many opponents to the act seem to be softening their rhetoric.

Endangered Species Rollback?

The Endangered Species Act may be endangered, according to a leaked government document.


The Army Corps of Engineers has just released new rules on wetlands protection. The plan is drawing criticism from environmentalists, who say the Department of Interior withheld a crucial review by the Fish and Wildlife Service when finalizing the Corps proposal. Host Steve Curwood talks with Mark Pfeifle, Press Secretary for the Department of Interior.

The World

Administration seeks to remove scientific review from Endangered Species Act

Global Politics

Guests: Karla Raettig, Legislative Representative for Wildlife Conservation at the National Wildlife Federation, and Kaush Arha, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish, Wildlife and Parks.