
Scientist takes inspiration from natural world to create self-filling water bottle


Sometimes, nature knows the best way to solve a problem. There’s a beetle that lives in a part of the world where less than .5 inches of rain fall per year. So the beetle draws water from the air, and now a businessman is trying to harness that idea to create, among other things, a self-filling water bottle.

The World

Weatherization Projects

The World

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Waiting for Water

The World

Note on Emerging Science

Energy up in Smoke

Recycling heat from industrial smokestacks could create enough energy to supply 20 percent of the electricity needs of the United States.

The World

Cool Fix For a Hot Planet

A listener has a new use for her dishwasher.

The World

Hot As Hell?

Measuring deep earth’s temperature.

Almanac/First Refrigerator

This week, we have facts about refrigeration. In 1851, a doctor gave up his medical career and received a patent for a prototype of mechanical refrigeration.

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, we have facts about refrigeration. In 1851, a doctor gave up his medical career and received a patent for a prototype of mechanical refrigeration.