Tania Bruguera

Anti-government protesters march in Havana, Cuba to protest against ongoing food shortages and high prices of foodstuffs

‘Obliged to exile’: Cuban activist Tania Bruguera on the plight of artist Hamlet Lavastida


After spending time in a maximum security prison in Havana, artist and activist Hamlet Lavastida has been exiled to Poland by Cuba’s government. Tania Bruguera, a senior lecturer in media and performance at Harvard University, joined The World’s host Marco Werman to discuss the plight of Cuban artists.

Cuban artist Tania Bruguera stands with her arms in the air, and dozens of people behind her, standing in the same position

Artist Tania Bruguera says Cuba’s latest crackdown on the arts is ‘the legalization of censorship’

Tania Bruguera

Cuban artist describes regime’s still-watchful eye
