In the first story in our holiday storytelling special “Celebrations in Latino Landscapes,” Elida Guardia Bonet spins a tale of growing up in Panama and her love of mangoes.
Cuban Celebrations
Native American Winter Tales
The Second Annual Living on Earth Winter Storytelling Feast December 15, 1995
Native American Winter Tales
A Taste of Tales to Come
A Hmong-American storyteller recalls crossing the Mekong River, a sample of next week’s holiday special.
Cuban Celebrations
Storyteller and actor Antonio Sacre has a story about his father’s life in Cuba and tales of celebrations on the island. Latino USA host Maria Hinojosa and storyteller Elida Guardia Bonet share their reactions.
Under the Mango Trees
Austin, Texas storyteller Elida Guardia Bonet, shares a tale of growing up under the mango trees in Panama. Host Steve Curwood, Latino USA host Maria Hinojosa, and storyteller Antonio Sacre join her in a discussion following the story.