
The Ebola virus might remain present in body fluids including semen longer than previously thought.

Unravelling an ‘epidemiological mystery’ about the transmission of Ebola in semen


Scientists are still trying to determine how often and how long the Ebola virus stays active in semen.

One man’s sperm bank donations spawn more than 70 kids


Palestinians Smuggling Sperm Out of Prison

Conflict & Justice

No Redheads Wanted At The Sperm Bank

Conflict & Justice
The World

Emerging Science Note/Sperm Rations

The World

A New Way to Make a Baby? Creating Sperm in the Lab


Scientists in the U.K. claim that for the first time they’ve created human sperm from embryonic stem cells. While the advance is a huge scientific leap that could allow infertile men to have children, it also raises ethical concerns.