South Dakota

Man sits behind large stack of papers, brown envelopes

When the government wrongly deports people, coming back to the US is almost impossible


It took 16 years for Herberth Cortez Gaitan to have his asylum case heard, 9 more for him to be deported — and 2 years for him to return to the US after a federal court found that immigration judges had made a mistake.

‘Bob Edwards Weekend’: Daschle, Heller, Monroe

Arts, Culture & Media

The Latest Fight Over Wounded Knee, South Dakota

What Makes Our Cities Unique: The Corn Palace

The Place Where You Live

Remembering George McGovern

Former U.S. Senator George McGovern, and the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in 1972 died this weekend in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He was 90. How have listener’s been reacting to MocGovern’s death?

The Place Where You Live

Winfred, South Dakota: A young woman and her horse ride through the rolling grasslands on a warm summer evening.

How Much Do Americans Know About America?

When it comes to American history, Americans are often on shaky ground. Even politicians can never seem to get straight which text “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” appears in, let alone where Mount Rushmore gets its name, or what happens in the Bill of Rights after the fifth amendment. How important is this […]

South Dakota Sioux Tribe File Voting Discrimination Case

Members of the Oglala Sioux tribe live on the very rural Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, most of whom do not have cars. Traveling during winter months is compounded by infrequently plowed gravel and dirt roads. Given that their county only has six days of early voting in the presidential primaries –  while residents in the rest […]

The World

Sioux Say No to Trash, and Cash

Scott Schlegel reports on the decision by the Rosebud Sioux nation in South Dakota to reject a municipal trash landfill that would have brought the impoverished reservation a million dollars a year in revenues.