Social programs

a man mixes cement in argentina

Prefabricated homes may fix Argentina’s housing crisis — and put builders out of work

Facing an acute housing shortage and the plummeting value of the Argentine peso, Argentina’s housing authority is touting a construction solution that would be both cheap and fast. But for the country’s construction industry, this solution may turn out to be a problem.

The World

This week’s agenda: lame duck Congress returns, unemployment benefits expire

The World

Congress approves legislation to extend unemployment benefits

Conflict & Justice

For many, federal unemployment benefits will expire sooner than expected

Republicans signal willingness to compromise on payroll tax cut extension

Global Politics

Congress still trying to reach a deal on payroll tax, unemployment benefit extensions

Global Politics

As the calendar marches toward Christmas, Congress is struggling to reach agreement on a plan to extend unemployment benefits and a payroll tax cut. Now, more legislation is being bundled together.

Social Security on the table in debt limit talks

Global Politics

President Obama puts entitlement reform on the table in debt ceiling talks, Democrats say they were caught completely off-guard.

Lessons on universal healthcare

How other countries managed to achieve universal health care, and how the U.S. might go about getting a system that works.

Mexico’s anti-poverty program, Oportunidades

Mexico sees a dramatic reduction in poverty with a program that pays the poor to keep their families healthy and their children in school.

As Unemployment Claims Decline, Disability Claims Rise

Since 2007, the number of people collecting social security disability benefits, or SSDI, has grown by 3.4 million. Two new studies, one co-produced by the Obama administration, document a direct relationship between those seeking SSDI after their unemployment benefits run out. With 10.6 million Americans receiving payments of roughly $1,000 a month plus access to […]