Senate career of John McCain, 2001–present

Managing expectations in the presidential race

Global Politics

Democrats focus on numbers, Republicans test scenario for repeat of Bush v. Gore from 2000.

The veteran vote

Global Politics

Debating the economy and foreign policy

Global Politics

McCain’s “League of Democracies”

Global Politics

McCain’s Climate Change Campaign

The World

McCain on Climate Change

Republican Senator John McCain recently joined democratic senator John Kerry in trying to push the White House administration to curb global gas emissions. As Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports, Senator McCain’s stance is contrary to many members of his own party.

The World

Bernard-Henri Levy on U.S. presidential race

Global Politics

Anchor Marco Werman speaks with French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy about the market crisis and the U.S. presidential race.

The World

Education benefits for veterans

Global Politics

Anchor Katy Clark speaks with Senator Jim Webb of Virginia about his proposal to expand the educational benefits given to veterans; the original GI Bill sent millions of veterans to college