Sandy Hook

The World

Five years after Sandy Hook, still no new gun laws


Former Rep. Gabby Giffords’ organization, Americans for Responsible Solutions, wants Congress and the president to “make our communities safer from gun violence and reject the corporate gun lobby’s dangerous agenda.”

School lockers

This school may be ‘the safest school in America.’ But would you want to send your kids there?


Why the Background Check Bill Failed

Even Those Closest to Newtown Are Unsure About Gun Control

New York Legislature Moves on Gun Legislation

Remembering Newtown on Christmas

The value of gift giving and receiving leads us inevitably to think about the value of Christmas itself. Christmas is, of course, meant to transcend any specific gift and commemorate somehow all of human experience. On this Christmas Day that will be the challenge or perhaps miracle for people experiencing an incalculable grief in Newtown, […]

Newtown: What’s Gone Wrong with Media Coverage?

Global Politics

Tragedies on the scale of the shootings in Newton, Connecticut are covered in very distinct ways by media in societies around the world.

US Gun Culture and Global Views of Connecticut Shooting

Conflict & Justice

As residents of Newtown, Connecticut, begin to bury those killed in Friday’s school shooting there, reaction continues to pour in from all around the globe. We’ll talk to David Hemenway of the Harvard School of Public Health.

Connecticut Tries to Move Forward after School Shooting

The mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut has left the community reeling, and the state’s residents are wondering how to move forward.   Colin McEnroe, host of “The Colin McEnroe Show” on WNPR, Connecticut Public Radio, has covered the state for decades. In addition to his work at WNPR, Colin is also […]