Same-sex marriage in the United States

Same-sex marriage supporters wave a rainbow flag in front of the US Supreme Court on March 26, 2013 in Washington, DC

As the Supreme Court prepares to decide on gay marriage, remembering the case that set the precedent


On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear a case that may decide the future of same-sex marriage nationwide. A case from 2010 helped set the legal and moral precedent to get us to this point.

The World

Judge overturns California’s gay marriage ban

Conflict & Justice

For one gay couple, immigration reform could make all the difference

Global Politics

U.S. Supreme Court Justices appear skeptical of Defense of Marriage Act

Global Politics

U.S. Supreme Court appears cautious of broad gay marriage ruling

Global Politics

Federal appeals court declares Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional

Global Politics

An appeals court ruled Thursday that the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies several federal benefits to gay married couples, is unconstitutional.

Obama publicly declares support for same-sex marriage; Romney opposes

Global Politics

President Barack Obama shook up the presidential campaign on Wednesday by declaring his support for same-sex marriage. The decision comes after two members of his leadership team declared their own support.

Same-sex marriage bill in Maryland set to be signed

Global Politics

Last week, the Maryland Senate approved a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in the state. The bill, which follows a similar one from 2011 that died in Maryland’s House of Delegates, now awaits the Governor’s signature — scheduled for Thursday.

Law firm refuses to defend the Defense of Marriage Act

Global Politics

Republicans in the US House of Representatives had hired a law firm, King and Spalding, to defend the Defense of Marriage Act. King and Spalding has now announced it is withdrawing from the case.

Americans more accepting of gay marriage

Global Politics

Last month, for the first time, a majority of Americans polled by Gallup said they were in favor of legalizing gay marriage.