Ronald Reagan

Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan (R) stands with former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev (L) during Gorbachev's arrival ceremony at the White House in Washington, December 8, 1987.

Suzanne Massie taught President Ronald Reagan this important Russian phrase: ‘Trust, but verify’

Global Politics

In 1984, Russian historian Suzanne Massie got a call she’ll never forget. President Ronald Reagan invited her to the White House to brief him on Russian history and culture. Little did she know that this would be the beginning of many years of advising the president.

From Past Presidents, the Language of Certainty in an Uncertain World

Arts, Culture & Media

Obama expected to foreshadow campaign in State of the Union address tonight

Global Politics

VIDEO: Republican Eric Cantor bristles when confronted with Reagan’s tax increase

Global Politics

British Cartoonist Steve Bell Draws American Presidents

Global Politics

Margaret Thatcher, Social Class and UK Pop Culture

Arts, Culture & Media

Anyone who lived through Britain’s Thatcher years won’t forget them in a hurry. Politically, there were no fence, sitters: you were either with her or against her. She was adored and reviled, and not much in between.

Britain’s Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher Dies at 87

Global Politics

Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher has died in London at the age of 87. The World’s Alex Gallafent examines the career of one of the singular politicians of the twentieth century.

An immigrant ID card from the 1920s and 30s for Rosaura Piñera, who later became a US citizen at age 100.

How amnesty gave a 100-year-old woman a new life in the US

Conflict & Justice

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 granted amnesty to some three million illegal immigrants already in the country. One of those who benefited was Rosaura Piñera, the great-grandmother of Fronteras reporter Monica Ortiz Uribe.

Don’t Mention It: The War On Drugs with Eugene Jarecki

This election season the candidates have focused their message on the employment and the middle class. These issues are no doubt important, but what is the hyper-focus on economy leaving out of the campaign? The Takeaway series “Don’t Mention It” looks at issues ignored this election year. Today, our subject is the war on drugs. […]

Has Syria Become President Obama’s Bosnia?

A little over a week into the multi-national military intervention last year in Libya, President Obama boasted that it only took his administration 31 days to intervene compared to the year it took international forces to send air power. Obama made the comparison to Bosnia with Libya, and now many are making the same with […]