The US and NATO Mull Military Action Against Syria: But is it Legal?
When it comes to chemical weapons, one thing is clear: You’re not allowed to use them. There’s an internationalreaty banning them. What the treatyesn’t say is what should happen if a nation does use chemical weapons.
Shortage of Relief in Darfur
United Nations humanitarian chief John Holmes speaks about the conditions in Darfur since the expulsion in March of more than a dozen international aid groups by the Sudanese government.
Against the Odds: Rwanda
“Newsweek” columnist Ellis Cose documents how Rwandan survivors have dedicated their lives to helping themselves and their nation.
‘The Responsibility to Protect’
Analysis of the international community’s willingness and ability to prevent crimes against humanity.
Sudanese President fights arrest warrant
Omar al Bashir has been touring Darfur to rally support against an international arrest warrant for crimes against humanity and genocide.