Reality television

TV and movies are one way we understand people and places we’ve never had direct contact with – and maybe never will.

Netflix’s big bet on foreign content and international viewers could upend the global mediascape — and change how people see the world

Arts, Culture & Media

An Italian media scholar raised on American TV assesses Netflix’s ambitious strategy to create original productions in Italy, Japan, Brazil and beyond — and distribute them globally.

The World

One show in the United Arab Emirates is turning poets into millionaires

Who’s looking out for kids in reality TV?

Global Politics
The World

Voting With Your Remote Control

Arts, Culture & Media

‘All-American Muslim’ Depicts Muslim-American Family Life

The World

America’s Next Top Artist

Arts, Culture & Media

The Bravo network is planning a new reality series that pits artist against artist in a competition for a national gallery tour. We sent Henry Alford to a casting call to talk strategy with the art star hopefuls. With production by Owen Agnew.

The World

Reality TV and the balloon family

Arts, Culture & Media

Everyone’s talking about the ‘Balloon Boy’: not just about the hoax, but about the Heene family and reality TV. Kate Dailey, editor for, and Liz Gumbinner, from the blog Mom101, share their insights about reality TV, families and fame.

The World

Family: How are Kids Influenced by Reality TV?

Arts, Culture & Media

Should parents worry when they see their kids watching reality TV? The Takeaway talks to Kate Dailey, who writes the Human Condition blog for Newsweek, and Grace Rosen, a 17-year-old reality TV fan.

The World

The Emmys celebrates TV moments and The Takeaway compiles its own list

Arts, Culture & Media

For this year’s Emmy’s, the Academy is asking people to vote online for their most memorable television moments — either in comedy or drama. But what about news and other reality TV? At The Takeaway, we’re also head first into news and love these moments, so here’s our own category: most memorable ‘unscripted’ television moments…