Public image of Barack Obama

The Convention, Obama and Biden

Global Politics

The missing piece of the Democratic convention is now revealed with Joe Biden as Obama’s running mate.

Race and President Obama’s Historic Reelection Campaign

Obama Campaigns Again for Youth Vote

Arab Spring and the Obama Doctrine

The World

Analysis of President Obama’s prime-time 100-days press conference

Global Politics
The World

McCain ties Obama to Weather Underground, Obama ties McCain to Keating Five

Global Politics

It’s been a busy weekend for candidates John McCain and Barack Obama. Jeff Zeleny of the New York Times joins The Takeaway to explain. Guest: Jeff Zeleny, New York Times

The World

Race and identity in Africa

Conflict & Justice

Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with the BBC’s David Amanor, who’s based in the African country of Ghana, about how Barack Obama’s presidential win has prompted discussions there about what it means to be black or white.

The World

China reacts to Obama victory

Global Politics

China’s been keeping a close watch on the U.S. election. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with The World’s Beijing correspondent Mary Kay Magistad for reaction there to his historic win.

The World

Foreign governments and the U.S. election

Global Politics

Lisa Mullins speaks with Moises Naim, Editor-in-Chief of Foreign Policy Magazine, about how governments in other countries view the presidential candidates.

The World

Africans speak out on U.S. presidential race

Global Politics

Anchor Katy Clark speaks with the BBC’s Vera Kwakofi about African perspectives on the US presidential election. Kwakofi is host of the interactive BBC program, “Africa Have Your Say.”