Property law

Helping homeowners avoid foreclosure

Philadelphia has figured out an innovative way to help people avoid foreclosure: Force banks and homeowners to negotiate.

Huge Foreclosure Deal Reached

Multi-Billion Dollar Foreclosure Settlement Imminent

Your Take: Facing Foreclosure

Your Take: Is It Better to Rent or Own?

Eminent Domain and Takings

A look at ballot initiatives in four western states that allow voters to decide how their state deals with private property.

The World

Property Rights

Kim Motylewski reviews Eric Freifogle’s new book on the property rights debate, “Bounded People, Boundless Land.”

The World

WA Rejects Property Rights Ballot Question

Nineteen states already have laws ensuring property owners payment for land value lost to government regulations. Advocates in Washington state tried to raise the number to 20, but their election day efforts failed to pass the strictest compensation law in the country. Terry FitzPatrick of Living on Earth’s Northwest bureau files this follow up report.

Added Property Value: Government Takings vs Givings

When government takes private property, it is required to compensate land owners. Some lawmakers say the government should also pay land owners when regulations reduce property values by restricting development. But one land use attorney says that means the government, and taxpayers, are paying twice. Host Steve Curwood talks with Edward Thompson, who says the […]

Regulating Property = Theft

Steve talks with R.S. Radford, of the Pacific Legal Foundation, about efforts to curb development in some coastal areas. Radford says that without due compensation, such laws are tantamount to theft.