
‘Chicken with Plums’ tell universal story of creativity, family life, heartbreak

Arts, Culture & Media

Marjane Satrapi, an Iranian exile, created a graphic novel about life as a musician in Iran in the 1950s. Then she turned it into a movie, which debuted this past weekend.

‘Studio 360: Oscar Worthy’

Arts, Culture & Media

Marjane Satrapi on ‘Studio 360’

Arts, Culture & Media

TV Station in Tunisia Fined for Broadcasting Animated Film ‘Persepolis’

Global Politics
The World

Listeners respond: what are the best movie versions of books?

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media

The answer to our Geo Quiz today is Persepolis. The city was the ceremonial capital city of ancient Persia. Today it’s a world heritage site in southern Iran. European travel guru Rick Steves shares his impressions of Persepolis.