
The World

Lush, Mysterious Bogs

Commentator Sy Montgomery likes to visit her favorite bog where life seems boundless, mysterious, and where time seems to stand still. Ms. Montgomery is the author of “Nature’s Everyday Mysteries”. She comes to us from New Hampshire Public Radio.

Getting to the Bottom of Methane

Getting to the Bottom of Methane

River Resurrection

The World

Scotching the Wind

Not-So-Perma Permafrost

Melting sea ice in the Arctic may cause more rapid melting of the permanently frozen ground or permafrost. That will increase green house gas emissions  ? but some of the emissions may be countered by the faster growth of vegetation in the region.

The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media

Today’s Geo Quiz sent us in search of a European country whose borders are shifting as a result of climate change. The answer is Italy. Anchor Lisa Mullins explains why.

The World

Melting Permafrost

Arts, Culture & Media

For today’s Geo Quiz, we head to the frozen north. We have heard a lot about the problem of melting ice as climate change warms up the Arctic. But scientists are also worried about something else that is melting up there — permafrost.