Orange Revolution

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy listens to a translator as he and US President Donald Trump hold a bilateral meeting

Trump scandal threatens to derail Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts

Ukrainians are accustomed to powerful forces meddling in their judicial system, Anne Applebaum, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and expert on central and Eastern Europe, tells The World’s host, Marco Werman. But even as they find corruption foisted on them by their most important ally in Washington, DC, Ukrainians have remained determined to root out unethical practices in their own country.

A woman takes photos of a "Wanted" notice for fugitive Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovich, plastered on the window of a car used as a barricade, near Kiev's Independent Square February 24, 2014.

Where did the downfall of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych begin?

Global Politics
Makeshift memorial in Kiev

Russia is not happy with the dramatic change in Ukraine

Conflict & Justice

A novelist takes the pulse of Kiev’s Independence Square — and remains hopeful

Global Politics
Pro-European integration protesters are pictured through an Ukrainian flag decorated with the European Union stars during a mass rally at Independence Square in Kiev

Ukraine’s gamers take to the streets in protest

Global Politics

A Ukrainian TV news host mixes work with protesting in the streets

Global Politics

For some in Ukraine, the mounting protests for integration with the European Union is about more than politics. That’s one reason Espreso TV’s Anastasia Melnyk can host a morning news show in Kiev and then join the protests in the city’s main square.

Protesters in Kiev, Ukraine

In Ukraine, it’s the same president, but perhaps a new revolution

Global Politics

The current protests against Ukraine’s President Yanukovych could turn into a replay of the 2004 revolution which led to his downfall.

Ukrainians find themselves stuck firmly between the EU and Russia

Global Politics

Ukraine is backing away from its plan to join the EU and that has spurred mass demonstrations. Russia is against Ukraine having free trade relations with Europe, and Ukraine’s president says his economically-struggling country needs to maintain its important trade ties with Russia.

Beyond Class Part III: Class in the Shadow of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution

Global Politics

Revolutions, it is said, need the support of the middle class to be successful; In Ukraine, seven years after the Orange Revolution, a TV producer wonders whether it was worth it, as her nation slips back into its corrupt, pre-revolutionary past.

The World

Lessons for Egypt from Ukraine

Conflict & Justice

Ukrainians who participated in the peaceful Orange Revolution of 2004 have some advice for people in Egypt, a people’s revolution does not always lead to a functioning democracy. Brigid McCarthy reports.