Nuclear chemistry

Sunflowers used to clean up radiation


Scientists have discovered that sunflowers can pull radioactive contaminants out of the soil, and researchers cleaning up the Fukushima site in Japan are putting the flowers to the test.

New Research Suggests Gold on Earth a Result of Crashing Stars

In Stressful Wake of Fukushima Disaster, Japan Now Dealing With ‘Atomic Divorce’


Chernobyl Cleanup Worker: ‘We Thought We Were Saving a Country’

Radioactive Leak Plugged at Japan’s Reactor

Should we Recycle Spent Nuclear Fuel?

France, Britain and Japan reprocess depleted nuclear fuel into a new usable fuel—but there are economic and political reasons why we don’t.

The World

Baby Teeth Project

Commentator Suzanne Elston notes a new study that finds strontium-90 (STRON-tee-um), a carcinogenic by-product of nuclear reactions, is showing up in the teeth of children living near nuclear reactors. An earlier study, conducted during the Cold War which found strontium-90 in baby teeth, was attributed to nuclear test fallout.

Green Intelligence

Professor John Wargo discusses his new book, Green Intelligence: Creating Environments that Protect Human Health. It is a guide to chemical risks in our environment, and the government efforts to protect us from these risks.

Kyoto Fallout

The World

This week’s agenda: fallout from Afghan civilian deaths, Toyota hearings, health care summit

Global Politics

Our weekly look ahead at the news focuses on the fallout from a NATO air strike that killed Afghan civilians; Toyota executives who will face a grilling from U.S. lawmakers; and how Republicans are preparing for President Obama’s health care summit.