Noise pollution

people in a public square

Barcelona is one of Europe’s loudest cities. It’s trying to turn down the volume.

Around 60 million adults in European cities are exposed to noise that’s harmful to health. 

‘We’ll be home for Christmas’ may be a reality for Pussy Riot and the Arctic 30

Global Scan
Paris resident and anti-noise activist Gerard Simonet peers through his double-paned windows to the street below. His ears are on constant alert for nocturnal revelers and honking horns.

This Parisian man is wondering why we all can’t just be a little quieter

Lifestyle & Belief
The World

One Man Muffler in the Noisy Bronx

The World


The World

Train Whistles Blare

For people who live near train tracks, whistling trains are a jarring disruption, and some have put forward laws to minimize these sound alarms through federal legislation. Patrick Cox reports on the governments reaction to the pending noise reduction proposals.

The World

Environmental Health Note/Airport Noise

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a new study that shows children living near airports may have impaired reading and memory ability.

The World

Health Note/Airport Noise

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on a new study that shows children living near airports may have impaired reading and memory ability.

Noise Map

British noise specialists will be taking sound checks of the United Kingdom in a two-year effort to map noise levels throughout the country. Host Steve Curwood talks with John Hinton, a noise specialist who put together the first ever noise map of an entire city.

Noise Map

British noise specialists will be taking sound checks of the United Kingdom in a two-year effort to map noise levels throughout the country. Host Steve Curwood talks with John Hinton, a noise specialist who put together the first ever noise map of an entire city.