In these days of heightened awareness, the cultural landscape can get pretty confusing. And as Studio 360’s Kurt Andersen noticed, there are plenty of mixed messages out there — and that can be a good thing.
Lo, Sir Ethan Hawke did release his knowledge upon us in “Rules for a Knight,” his medieval book of advice. Virtue and truth shall spread throughout the land!
A Doctor Could Go to Jail for Comparing the Turkish President to Gollum
Turkey’s president doesn’t like to be insulted, and now there’s a court case to figure out if a comparison to a Lord of the Rings character counts as slander.
A news organization that insisted on inclusive journalism is closing its doors
Arab Israeli newscaster Lucy Aharish is proud to be Israeli, and she’s being honored at the country’s Independence Day ceremony on Wednesday. Not everyone is happy to have an Arab included into the festivities, so what’s her response? Deal with it.