Bo Lundgren, former minister for fiscal and financial affairs, in Sweden is set to testify in front of the Congressional Oversight Panel today about how he helped nationalize the Swedish banking system and turn around their economy.
As the bank bailout effort continues, the Obama administration has to address the question of how far to take the rescue plan. Can you say ‘bank nationalization’? The Takeaway talks to the New York Times’ Chief Washington Correspondent David Sanger.
Hugo Chavez humbled in the face of falling gas prices, maybe
Now that gas prices have plunged, Hugo Chavez is gently cozying up to companies like Chevron and Shell to see if they’d like to return to Venezuela for business. For more on this turn of events, we are joined by Simon Romero for the New York Times.
While President-elect Obama says he does not want the government to run the automakers, his future plans incorporate a lot of government oversite. David Sanger from The New York Times describes the situation.
Injecting billions of dollars into the nation’s banks in exchange for shares is often called “nationalization” in other countries. But not in America, as The World’s Jeb Sharp reports.