Moody's Analytics

Wall Street turmoil, Main Street worries

AIG and Lehman Brothers — the latest economic crisis and what’s at stake for ordinary Americans.

The World

S&P downgrade roils markets, worries consumers

The World

Measuring ‘economic adversity’ poses challenges

The World

GDP Numbers Appear Somewhat Less Bad

Global Politics
The World

Decoding the Latest Economic Numbers

The World

Treasury’s plan to lower mortgage rates may help. But who?

Global Politics

The Treasury Department is in talks with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac seeking ways to help drive down mortgage rates. But it is unclear how much the plan might help. Guest: Cristian deRitis, director of Credit Analytics Group at Moody’s

The World

After a weekend of negotiating in Congress, a bailout bill heads for a vote

Global Politics

The Takeaway talks with two reporters and an economist on the details of a $700-billion Wall Street bailout bill.