Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

The 1979 Revolution game

A video game designer wants to introduce a different side of his native Iran to the world


Navid Khonsari was 10 when the Islamic Revolution swept through his home country of Iran. His family had to leave the country and start a new life in Canada. He’s now making a video game that captures those tumultuous days.

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, shakes hands with a US Air Force general officer prior to his departure from the United States.

The history of US-Iranian relations

Global Politics
A man holding a sign during a protest of the crisis in Washington, D.C., in 1979.

The US and Iran part III – the hostage crisis

Global Politics
Protestors during Iran's 1979 revolution.

The US and Iran part II – the Shah and the revolution

Global Politics
Tanks in the streets of Tehran, 1953.

The US and Iran part I – the 1953 coup

Global Politics
Andy Warhol in Iran

Here’s how Andy Warhol ended up in Iran during the Shah’s regime

Arts, Culture & Media

In 1976, artist Andy Warhol travelled to Iran to make a portrait of the queen. It was 3 years before the Shah was overthrown. Vanity Fair’s Bob Colacello went with Warhol and tells the story.

CIA Finally Confirms Role in 1953 Iranian Coup

Even though it has long been public knowledge that U.S. and British operatives were behind the 1953 Iranian coup, which overthrew the nation’s then-democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq, only yesterday did the CIA officially confirm it. Yes, you did just read that right. Previously classified documents show that the agency carried out the coup “as […]

CIA Documents Confirm its Role in 1953 Iranian Coup

Global Politics

One of the decisive events in the history of Iran was the 1953 coup that overthrew a democratically elected government. Now the CIA has released documents confirming America played a leading role in organizing and directing the coup.

VIDEO: Former U.S. Marine sentenced to death in Iran

Amir Mirzaei Hekmati is accused of committing espionage against Iran when he traveled to the country in August 2011. On Monday, Iran announced it would put him to death.

1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century

Arts, Culture & Media

A new book argues that the year of Margaret Thatcher’s election, 1979, was one of those epic turning points in history; like 1789. The year of the French Revolution.