Member states of the Union for the Mediterranean

A Turkish ship with a flag sails in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Greece and Turkey sail toward a crisis of sea borders 


Greece’s and Turkey’s land borders are fairly clear these days — but claims over the sea are not. When you add recent, underwater gas discoveries to the mix, the decision about who has the right to drill — and where — becomes tangled and complex. 

>Seni Felić took his seven-year-old son, Venice to Sarajevo, Bosnia for the first time this year. Felić says he wants Venice to learn more about his Bosnian roots. (Photo Courtesy of Seni Felić).

Bosnian Refugees Reflect on Syrian Civil War

Conflict & Justice

What Does U.S. Intervention in Syria Mean for Israel?

The World

Authoritarian Rule: ‘Egyptians Yearn for Security and Order’

Conflict & Justice

Two years after Arab Spring, revolutionary prospects still linger

Erupting violence on Sinai Peninsula tests Egypt’s new president

There’s more trouble unfolding this week in Egypt, as its newly elected president, Mohamed Morsi, confronts violence on the Sinai Peninsula. The emerging crisis has become one of the biggest tests for Morsi’s two-month-old presidency.

Israeli Jets Said to Conduct Airstrike Inside Syria

Global Politics

Regional security officials have said that Israeli planes conducted an airstrike on an unnamed target on the Syria-Lebanon border. Israeli officials have warned against Syria sending chemical weapons or surface-to-air missiles to Hezbollah.

Spain’s Ongoing Decade of Self-Delusion

As one economist recently put it, in just a single decade Spain has gone from semi-rural backwater to Europe’s fourth largest economy, and back again.

Why Some Israelis Want to Revisit Camp David

Global Politics

Some of Israel’s current security concerns are based on the terms of the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.

The World

Geo answer

Global Politics

The answer to today’s Geo Quiz is Albania, the world’s first officially atheist country. Albania’s Communist leaders banned all religious organizations in 1967 and anyone caught worshipping suffered severe penalties. But religion rose up again after Communism fell in the early 1990’s. Correspondent David Chanatry has the story.