Martha's Vineyard

Cape Wind project gets green light


Nantucket Sound offshore wind farm approved by federal government — what this means for the future of wind power in the U.S.

Cape Wind Spin

Cape Wind Spin

Geraldine Brooks on ‘Caleb’s Crossing’

The World

Old Mill Gets Green Makeover

The World


The offical end of summer is approaching. Labor Day has come and gone. For many folks, the long weekend meant a chance for one last walk along the beach. One such walk got Living On Earth’s reporter John Rudolph to thinking. He sent us this reporters’ notebook from the island of Martha’s Vineyard.

The World

Old Mill Gets Green Makeover

A developer in Lawrence, Massachusetts is hoping that alternative energy will turn an old mill-town into an experiment in green construction.

The World

Washington causes stir by approving nation’s first off-shore wind farm

Global Politics

On Thursday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that the federal government would green light construction of Cape Wind, the nation’s first off shore wind farm. The project has polarized Nantucket residents.

The World

Will an offshore wind farm in Nantucket become a reality?

Global Politics

U.S. Interior Secretary Kenneth Salazar will decide whether or not to build an offshore wind farm off of Nantucket Sound. Opponents of the project are threatening to sue if it is approved.

The World

Obamas Cuts Vacation Short for Kennedy Ceremony

Global Politics

The Obamas were supposed to vacation on Martha’s Vineyard all this week, but they’re shortening their time off to pay respects to Senator Ted Kennedy. For an update on the Obamas’ vacation, The Takeaway talks to Boston Herald columnist Laura Raposa.