
SS Kroonland is seen on 2 February 1915 at the Culebra Cut while transiting the Panama Canal. Kroonland was the largest passenger ship to that time to transit the canal.

The Big Canal

A century ago, American engineers embarked on what was then the greatest building project in history. It took 10 years and 75,000 men to construct.

Excavator at work, in Bas Obispo, Panama Canal (1886).

Panama: A historical perspective

Nicaraguan Canal

Panama Canal Expansion Exposes Fossilized Treasures, Revealing Rare Glimpse Into Earth’s History

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

A Trans-Continental Island

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Busy waterway

Global Politics

We’re looking for one of the world’s busiest shipping corridors for the Geo Quiz. The canal we’re looking for is in the Western hemisphere.

An alternative to the Panama Canal?

Arts, Culture & Media

The Panama Canal revolutionized trade between the nations of the Atlantic and the Pacific when it opened in 1914. Now Colombia and China are talking about building an alternative to the Canal. From the Colombian capital, Bogota, John Otis reports.

Egypt protests, the Suez Canal and gobal trade

The protests in Egypt have many in the international community wondering how the growing political instability will affect commerce in the region. The World’s Laura Lynch reports on the Suez Canal.