
Inaugural Poetry and The Takeaway’s #PrezPoem Challenge

Poet Richard Blanco is just the fifth poet to take part in a President’s inaugural ceremony. The first was Robert Frost, who spoke at President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 swearing in. Bill Clinton revived the tradition, and Maya Angelou joined him on the inaugural dais in 1993. In both of his inauguration ceremonies, President Barack […]

The World

Son of Cuban Exiles, Richard Blanco, Recites Inauguration Poem

Conflict & Justice
The World

Using Thoreau’s Journals to Track Climate Change

Author Looks to Thoreau for Balance

The World

A World Under the Ice

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about… watermelons, the succulent summer fruit that Mark Twain has described as “chief of this world’s luxuries.”

Listener Letters

This week, a listener who was inspired by our story on the Gloucester fishery calls to read from Thoreau’s journal following a visit to the town.

The World

A World Under the Ice

Living On Earth commentator Sy Montgomery walks on the frozen ponds near her home in New Hampshire, following in Thoreau’s footsteps to search for life through the “icy window.”

The World

Thoreau in the ‘Burbs

What would Henry David Thoreau have written if he had a wife, three kids, and lived in the suburbs?

The World

Channeling Thoreau

A walk in the woods and a thousand whirling maple seeds inspire writer Tom Montgomery-Fate to delve further into the words of “Walden.”