Kurdish diaspora

Baby hyenas

A zoo finally figures out why it failed to get two spotted hyenas to mate

Global Scan

One of the most important things zoos do is ensure the continued viability of a species. So a Japanese zoo took very seriously its efforts to get its pair of hyenas to mate. But it was foiled by nature. Both hyenas were male and that, surprisingly, wasn’t obvious. Meanwhile in Dubai, the city police plan to outfit officers with pairs of Google glass to help them catch criminals. And in Syria, ISIS makes a big gain, all in today’s Global Scan.

Scores of Syrian refugees from Kobane - under threat of capture by Islamic State - sit in the sun waiting to be allowed to cross into Turkey. Sept. 26, 2014. The outskirts of the village are visible in the background.

Turkey’s Kurds are outraged that they’re being prevented from fighting ISIS in Syria


Some still skeptical despite Turkish government’s steps to integrate Kurdish language

Global Politics

In Turkey, Kurdish classes taught by a girl who is young enough to be in grade school

13-Year-Old Teaches Kurdish in Turkey

Conflict & Justice