
Protestors clash with riot police during a demonstration against the reinforced measures of the Belgium government to counter the latest spike of the coronavirus in Brussels, Belgium

Europe sees widespread protests against COVID-19 restrictions

Top of The World

Protests against COVID-19 restrictions, some of them turning violent, rocked Europe over the weekend. Also, Sudan’s top military commander reinstates Abdulla Hamdok, but as interim prime minister, until new elections are held. And, two of 17 missionaries kidnapped in October have been released in Haiti.

Colombian author and former hostage Ingrid Betancourt.

Ingrid Betancourt was held hostage by Colombia’s rebels for six years. Now she thinks peace could be near.

“I’m free and I can talk to you and ride my bike around Paris,” says former hostage Theo Padnos. “It’s better than the alternative.”

A former hostage of extremists in Syria thinks the US needs to talk to Assad


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Conflict & Justice