Kevin E. Trenberth

The Balkans’ flooding is linked to climate change. And here’s how


Record flooding in the Balkans is just the latest extreme rain event influenced by climate change. A leading climate researcher explains why we need to get ready for more.Record flooding in the Balkans is just the latest extreme rain event influenced by climate change. A leading climate researcher explains why we need to get ready for more.

Superstorms and Climate Change

Tracking El Nino

El Niño Acting up

California Burning

Hurricanes and Global Warming

As images of hurricane destruction pepper the news, host Steve Curwood talks with Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, about the link between hurricane intensity and global warming.

Drought and Climate Change

Droughts could become more common with global warming, but scientists aren’t sure what that might mean for the current drought on the East Coast. Host Steve Curwood discusses the issue with Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Welcome to the Future: It’s Warm

Host Steve Curwood talks with Kevin Trenberth, of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, about the state of the global climate at the cusp of the millennium. Dr. Trenberth says climate change caused by atmospheric pollution is clearly occurring, and that balmy winter weather in the U.S., and killer windstorms in Europe could be signs […]