International reactions to the Arab Spring

Flash Forward: The Arab World in 2012

December 10, 2010 marked the beginning of the Arab Spring, a series of pro-democracy movements that moved from Tunisia to Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, and Libya. A little over a year later, violent protests are still happening on the streets of Cairo and Homs, Tunisia and Libya are peaceful, while Bahrain and Yemen remain ominously […]

Arab Spring ‘Intelligence Disaster’ for the US

Global Politics
The World

Audio Essay: From 1776 to 2011, America to Arab Spring

Conflict & Justice

President Obama Calls for Middle East Reform

Arts, Culture & Media

Top of the Hour: Waiting for Change in Middle East, Morning Headlines

How Will Bin Laden’s Death Affect Mid East Uprisings?

Since the start of the political uprisings in the Middle East, regimes have fallen in Egypt and Tunisia. Meanwhile, Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and Libya continue their struggles to unseat dictators and bring about democratic change. And throughout it all, the voice of al-Qaida –  and more importantly, its leader, Osama bin Laden –  has been relatively silent. […]

Top of the Hour: Fighting for Change, Morning Headlines

Yemen, Egypt, Libya are all experiencing political change. Yemen and Libya have seen violence and continued fighting. Meanwhile, in Egypt, political change has come as citizens voted for a new government.

Muslim world protests, February 12-18, 2011

Global Satire

In the wake of Egypt’s successful political revolution, pro-democracy protests continue across the Middle East and North Africa. From Bahrain to Libya, citizens are taking to the the streets and using social media to communicate and coordinate. Click here for slideshow

Amid Political Turmoil in Arab World, Yemen’s President Pledges to Step Down in 2013

Conflict & Justice

To assess the political stability in Yemen and what it means for the United States, we talk with Wallace A. Terrill, professor at the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College and Natalia Antelava, BBC reporter.