
Is Technology Making Our Children Narcissists?

Does technology hurt a child’s character development?  Sheri Noga, a psychotherapist,  believes there are potentially negative sides. As she sees it, today’s technology amplifies the mindset of immediate gratification; and that can be bad for children, parents and the world. Sheri is the author of “Have the Guts to Do it Right: Raising Grateful and Responsible Children […]

New Study: Narcissistic Culture Leads to Narcissistic Lyrics

Musical Narcissism: On The Rise?

The World

Capitalism, 20 years after the Berlin Wall

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Unemployment on the rise as economic hard times continue

The World

Jean Twenge

Arts, Culture & Media

San Diego State University psychologist Jean Twenge talks about her forthcoming study in the Journal of Personality that suggests rates of narcissism in the U.S. have been on the rise since the 1970s.