Homegrown terrorism

Canadian John Maguire in ISIS recruitment video

A Canadian jihadist calls for ‘lone-wolf’ attacks on domestic targets


An Ottawa man is calling on his Muslim countrymen to carry out lone-wolf attacks on targets inside Canada. John Maguire traveled to Syria to join ISIS in 2013. In a video released on Sunday, he encourages Canadians to perpetrate attacks in response to Canada’s participation on the US-led fight against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

The World

Combating homegrown terrorism: lessons from the UK

Conflict & Justice

Rep. Keith Ellison on Islamophobia and Home-Grown Terrorism

After Arrest of Imams, Florida’s Muslim Community Shaken

The World

Alleged Boston terror plot raises fears

Conflict & Justice
The World

Tracking Homegrown Terrorists

Conflict & Justice

The case against suspected jihadists in North Carolina is a startling reminder that terrorism can grow on American soil. Mitch Silber of the New York Police Department joins The Takeaway with tips on how to recognize terrorism.

The World

Update on Homegrown Terrorism

Conflict & Justice

The New York Times’ Campbell Robertson joins The Takeaway from North Carolina, where he is reporting on the story of Daniel Boyd, two of his grown children and four others, all arrested on charges of conspiring to advance terror abroad.

The World

Homegrown Terrorism

Conflict & Justice

Federal agents in North Carolina arrested Daniel Boyd, his two grown sons, and four other men on suspicion of terrorist activity. For more, The Takeaway talks to North Carolina Public Radio’s Dave Dewitt and the New America Foundation’s Peter Bergen.

The World

India’s Muslim community part 2

Conflict & Justice

India is on high alert this week as the country marks the one year anniversary of strikes that paralyzed Mumbai last year. In the second part of her series, Miranda Kennedy reports on the growing alienation of Mumbai’s Muslims.

The World

Mumbai report

Conflict & Justice

Chaos and confusion in Mumbai has made it difficult to get solid information about the attackers. A previously unknown militant group has claimed responsibility. The World’s Matthew Bell reports.