Harvard Law School

The World

Aha Moment: Perry Mason vs. The Paper Chase

Conflict & Justice

Growing up in the socially tumultuous 1960s, Jonathan Amsbary wanted to be a lawyer to “help America be what it was supposed to be.”

The World

Listeners respond: listeners react to Charles Ogletree on Henry Louis Gates

Conflict & Justice
The World

Sen. Sessions spars with Kagan during first day of questioning

Conflict & Justice
The World

How Elena Kagan would change the Supreme Court’s diversity makeup

Conflict & Justice
The World

Conservative objections to Elena Kagan

Conflict & Justice
The World

The ‘unknowable’ Elena Kagan

Conflict & Justice

There is still a lot that is unknown about President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan. The question remains as to whether her positions as solicitor general can tell us what she’d be like as a Supreme Court judge.

The World

How the Supreme Court is shaping U.S. foreign policy

Global Politics

In this week’s New York Times Magazine, Harvard Law professor and author Noah Feldman breaks down what liberals and conservatives understand about international law, and whether the Geneva Conventions apply to accused terrorists.