
A Week of Bests: Commencement Speeches, Vocal Ranges, and Scares

Arts, Culture & Media

This week in “Thanks, Internet!”: great commencement speeches, sweet dreams, an artful bot, pop music’s best vocal ranges, and a lovely scare.

Lisa Kudrow’s Greatest Failures

Arts, Culture & Media
Young boy holds Tibet flag at independence protest.

Policy or discrimination? UMass Amherst student prevented from carrying Tibetan flag at graduation.

Ekk Sisavatdy, left, helps an incoming freshman at Highline College in Burien, Washington, as part of a program that assists Asian American and Pacific Islander students.

Asian American students push to reveal what the ‘model minority’ myth hides

Violet 1

A second pair of hands to help her through high school

Joey G - Brockton

Stopping the school-to-prison pipeline: Here’s how one city is doing it


In Brockton, Massachusetts, street workers and schools are working to reverse the trend of Cape Verdean youth dropping out of school.

high school grads

What kind of students have the lowest graduation rates? Try this quiz


How does race, economic background or language proficiency affect graduation rates in the US public high schools? Rank them!

school building

How to keep immigrant and first-generation students ‘dropping in’ instead of dropping out


What are the challenges that keep immigrant and first-generation students from graduating high school?


When graduating from high school, even top students need guidance

Development & Education

At the beginning of her senior year in high school, a South African student had big dreams. But by the end of the year, she was forced to reconsider her future.

Two seniors at COSAT

School Year Blog: For low-income students, life after high school can be daunting

Development & Education

The end of the school year is always an emotional time for seniors. For poor students, fear and anxiety can be the dominant emotions.