Geography of Arizona

Obama administration bans new uranium mines near Grand Canyon


In an effort to stop mining near one of the United States’ most well-known landmarks, the Obama administration is banning new mining claims from being made in and around the Grand Canyon — a practice previously allowed.

Arizona Wildfire Deaths in Global Spotlight, Highlight Growing Worldwide Danger


New Rules for Sharing the Shrinking Colorado River

The World

Colorado River Agreement to Help Restore Vanished Wetlands in Mexico

Global Politics

What Are Latino Voters Looking For?

The World

Gateway to the Grand Canyon

Many federal and local officials are supporting a large gateway development for the Grand Canyon, called “Canyon Forest Village.” Even several environmental groups are getting behind the proposed complex, which will include 1300 hotel rooms and enough retail space for four department stores. From member station KNAU, Mitch Teich (TYSH) reports that Canyon Forest Village […]

The World

National Parks

More and more people are visiting National Parks each year, and the people who manage the popular facilities say the increased numbers are putting a heavy strain on the parks’ already eroding infrastructure. Matt Martinez from member station KNAU in Flagstaff, Arizona reports from Grand Canyon National Park.

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about… the Grand Canyon, including some of the Park’s lesser known attractions, on the 80th anniversary of the signing of the bill establishing this great National Park.

The World

Flooding the Grand Canyon

Earlier this year the U.S. government unleashed a portion of the Colorado river and flooded the Grand Canyon in order to help it recover from erosion. Other unanticipated discoveries were found along the way. George Hardeen reports from Arizona.

The World

Clearing Grand Canyon Air

Efforts are being proposed to clean up the air and increase visibility at one of North America’s most famous vistas; the Grand Canyon. George Hardeen reports on the goals of the Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission.