What kind of urban future can you imagine? The newest version of the video game SimCity lets you decide for yourselfWhat kind of urban future can you imagine? The newest version of the video game SimCity lets you decide for yourself
What our brains hold and what they do is something we’ve been exploring, but what will they do in the future? If Ray Kurzweil has his way, our brains will be alive to see it. Ray Kurzweil is a technologist and futurist who is on a mission to make us all immortal. According to Kurzweil, technology […]
Anticipating the future is a classic (and possibly uniquely) human pastime. For as long as humans have kept records of the past, we have also tried to predict our future…and in so doing, control our destiny. Why do we cling to these predictions? The end of the world, the end of humanity, even our future […]