
Romeo and Juliet, two Sehuencas frogs

‘Romeo and Juliet’ give hope for survival of the Sehuencas water frog


Until recently, Sehuencas water frogs were among the more than 500 species of frogs and other amphibians on the brink of extinction. Just one male, named Romeo, was living in a lab in Bolivia, assumed to be the last of his species. But researchers recently found five more of these frogs in a cloud forest in the mountains of Bolivia. They took one of the females, named her Juliet, and brought her to meet Romeo.

Scientists rush to save exotic frogs from spreading disease

The World

Slideshow: Scientists Rush to Rescue Frogs in ‘Amphibian Arks’


Lost Frogs Update

Lost Frogs Update

Minnesota’s Mutant Frogs

Mutant frogs abound throughout the state of Minnesota. Steve Curwood speaks with Dr. Judy Helgin of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency about the distressing deformities first discovered last year, and the State’s new research plans to discover the causes.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Leap to a Cure

Scientists look to a salamander for a cure for a fungus that has been threatening the world’s amphibian populations.

Hawaiian Frogs