Freddie Mac

Plans to Reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the Horizon

Earlier this week President Obama announced his intent to drastically overhaul Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. “We’ve got to turn the page on this kind of bubble and bust mentality that helped to create this mess in the first place,” he said in an address at Desert Vista High School in Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday. […]

Boosting house prices to fix economy

Real-world implications of bailing out Fannie and Freddie

President Bush promises to sign housing bill

Global Politics

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac floundering

How Serious Are the SEC’s Charges Against Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

Coming up, Joe Nocera, New York Times Op-Ed columnist joins The Takeaway to discuss what the SEC’s charges against mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac really tell us about the federal agency.

The World

Complaints to Fannie and Freddie’s Overseer Go Ignored

Conflict & Justice

The federal agency overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failed to act on almost 100 complaints filed pertaining to possible foreclosure abuse and mortgage fraud at the taxpayer-owned mortgage finance agencies. Louise Story has more.

The World

Financial crisis commission blames Wall Street

Who or what was responsible for the worst economic crisis since the 1920s? Could it have been prevented? That is what the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission set to find out when they interviewed over 700 people. Today they release their 576 page report.

The World

Agenda: shrimping, housing, deficits


Charlie Herman, economics editor for The Takeaway and WNYC Radio and Jason Stallman, national news editor for The New York Times, join us as we look ahead to this week’s news.

The World

Money: Goldman’s political influence, Fannie Mae stocks still trading heavily despite low worth

Louise Story explains why Goldman Sachs is choosing not to put money into political advertising despite the Supreme Court ruling that lessened restrictions. She also takes a look at why Fannie Mae stock, while worth little, is still trading heavily.