
Some People in Washington Are Taking the Trillion Dollar Coin Seriously

Some pundits, including Paul Krugman, have proposed minting a trillion dollar coin as a way for Democrats to avoid a debt ceiling fight with Republicans. Is the proposal legal? Is anyone taking it seriously? Todd Zwillich, our Washington correspondent, explains.

Companies Don’t Have to Go Public, So Why Do They?

Chesapeake Energy: Could This Be the Next Enron?

The World

1996 Presidential Candidates Profile Series: Phil Gramm

The Clinton Watershed

Enron and Deregulation

The federal government has opened an investigation into Enron’s involvement in California’s energy crisis. Energy consultant Robert McCullough discusses Enron’s role in the deregulated energy market with host Steve Curwood.

Enron and the Energy Plan

Democratic Representative Henry Waxman from California says Enron had easy access to the White House Energy Task Force and it shows. According to Representative Waxman, the Bush admistration’s National Energy Plan advances 17 policies Enron advocated. Host Steve Curwood talks to Representative Waxman about his report on this issue.

The World

Supreme Court this week: Enron, gun control, torture

Conflict & Justice

This week, the Supreme Court will hear three very different cases, from a corporate trial, to gun control laws, to international torture laws. New York Times Supreme Court correspondent Adam Liptak previews each case.