Effects of the 2008–2010 automotive industry crisis on the United States

President Obama Addresses United Auto Workers

Three years after the auto-bailout, will the $80 billion rescue of Chrysler and GM still play a role in the election? Joe Nocera, op-ed columnist for Takeaway partner The New York Times has more.

Was the Auto Bailout Worth the Money?

The World

One year after bankruptcy, GM on right track

The World

How Closing a GM Plant Hit Wilmington

The World

More bad news for U.S. automakers

The World

Chrysler is in crisis, plans to close manufacturing plants for a month

Chrysler has announced plans to close its manufacturing plants for at least a month. Micheline Maynard, the Michigan-based New York Times business correspondent, joins The Takeaway to discuss the auto industry in hard times.

The World

Detroit gets a bailout

Global Politics

Under a plan being hammered out by Congress and the Administration, GM and Chrysler will get $15 billion in emergency loans. In return, they’ve agreed to close oversight by the federal government and pledged to get rid of their private jets.

The World

Mexico ponders auto bailout

The World’s Lorne Matalon reports that Mexico is considering giving financial help to GM, Ford and Chrysler. The three US automakers have plants in Mexico, and there is concern south of the border that the companies may not have the money to keep those plants open.