Edgar Allan Poe

John Astin on Poe

Arts, Culture & Media

John Astin on Poe

Refugees and undocumented immigrants find common ground on soccer pitch

Conflict & Justice

Finding Common Ground on the Soccer Field

Conflict & Justice

War of the Worlds: A Halloween Fright!

The World

Book Review/Raven’s End

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts and legends about  ? the raven. Edgar Allen Poe’s poem featuring this bird was published 155 years ago.

The World

Good week, bad week: divorces and Edgar Allan Poe

Arts, Culture & Media

This week was a good week if you were planning on filing for a divorce, but a bad week if you happen to be 19th-century author Edgar Allan Poe, who may have lost a very special admirer.

Author Explores Mythical Black Homeland in ‘Pym’

Imagine a search for identity on an epic scale, and you’ll have some idea what the novel “Pym” is about. It tells the story of Chris Jaynes  – a professor who becomes obsessed with finding a mythical black homeland referenced by Edgar Allen Poe in his only full-length novel, “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of […]