Economic systems

Bartering in a sour economy

Some Massachusetts residents turn to bartering due to tight finances, and they’re getting creative with what they’re trading.

Economic transition and mortality rates

Health & Medicine

The US-China economy

The World

Technology to Barter in Hard Times

Global Politics

A Closer Look at the Racial Divisions in the US Economy

The Next Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was fueled by coal and cheap print, and Jeremy Rifkin says oil and the telephone powered a second revolution. The author also believes we are on the brink of a new upheaval driven by the Internet and alternative energy. Living on Earth’s Steve Curwood spoke with Rifkin about his book, The Third Industrial Revolution.

Capitalism: Broken, or A System Unfairly ‘Gamed’?

Many of the protesters currently occupying American cities and engaging in actions around the world are angry at what they say are the worst offenders  – companies and people taking unfair financial advantage in a capitalist system. Some argue that capitalism is broken, but is that true, or is it just that some are “gaming” the […]

The World

China overtakes World Bank in international lending

Over the past two years, China’s banks have loaned more money to developing countries than the World Bank, making China the world’s number one investor in emerging economies. The BBC’s Chris Hogg reports from Shanghai.

The World

Small businesses bartering in tough times

The White House is taking steps to help small businesses secure loans, but while they wait, those businesses are finding creative ways to stay afloat, including bartering with each other instead of exchanging money.

The World

The week ahead for the economy

‘These economies are inherently weaker because they have lots of that good regulation that folks on the left think will cure America.’ –Peter Morici on the European economic recession