Dudley–Winthrop family


Secretary of State John Kerry has traveled far but can’t find peace in Syria

Global Politics

The diplomatic dance requires multiple players to dance with you. And Secretary of State John Kerry has traveled the world looking for dance partners — successfully, in many occasions. On the matter of Syria, though, few are cooperating.

Kerry makes U.S. case on Syria’s responsibility for chemical weapons attack, condemns Assad regime

Global Politics

Kerry: “High Confidence” Syria Used Chemical Weapons

U.S. Weighs Intervention in Syria

United States debates joining Law of the Sea


Veterans campaign for clean energy

Global Politics

Military veterans barnstorm America by bus, campaigning for clean energy and ending US dependence on foreign oil.

Crafting a new climate bill

Global Politics

Picking up the pieces after last year’s failed climate legislation, senators hope to spring a new climate bill for Earth Day.

US Warns China and Russia over Snowden

Global Politics

US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Moscow and Beijing on Monday that their ties with the US could suffer over their decision to let Edward Snowden travel.

Secretary of State Kerry in Moscow for Talks on Syria

The situation in Syria continues to escalate. This weekend, Israel launched air strikes on targets it deemed susceptible to capture by Hezbollah. The death toll continues to rise from a conflict in which many actors play a part, including Russia and the U.S. But these two powers have so far been unable to come to […]

The US Calls on China to Take a Tougher Stance on North Korea

Global Politics

Marco Werman speaks with The World’s Mary Kay Magistad to find out how China is responding to the growing tensions with North Korea and US calls that China help diffuse those tensions.