
Amazon moves aggressively into world of book publishing

As Amazon pushes harder into the world of book publisher, and not just seller, it’s making the big publishing companies nervous at the same time it reaches out to authors.

Amazon to Add 7000 Jobs

Re-mapping the Amazon

New Amazon App Targets Bookstores

Online Retailers Battle to Avoid Sales Tax

Senate Report Critical of US Foreign Aid to Afghanistan

Conflict & Justice

A new Senate report criticizes the execution of US foreign aid to Afghanistan.

The World

Tech Week in Review: May 20, 2011

Amazon has announced that e-books are outselling paper books on its website for the first time ever. But does that mean you can get rid of your bookshelves? That’s just one of the stories in Clark Boyd’s roundup of great global tech stories you might have missed this week.

Miami DJ Mr. Pauer’s “Soundtrack”

Arts, Culture & Media

Miami DJ Mr. Pauer tells us about a collection of “electropical beats” he put together for a CD he calls “Soundtrack.”

The World

Amazon gets hit over gay-themed books

Arts, Culture & Media

It’s not completely clear what happened with this weekend: rumors of hacks and customer hate-based tagging abound, but the company is not helping clear the air over exactly what happened although they did apologize for being ‘ham-fisted.’