Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Five Years After the Financial Collapse, Is the Economy Still at Risk?

Five years ago this month, global markets were stunned when financial services firm Lehman Brothers collapsed. The bankruptcy filing remains the largest in U.S. history, with Lehman holding over $600 billion in assets at the time. Half a decade later, we have Dodd-Frank, the most significant change to financial regulation in the United States since […]

Five Years After the Collapse, The Debate Over Financial Regulation Rages On

Could Regulations Have Helped JPMorgan Avoid Losses?

The World

This week’s agenda: Dodd-Frank anniversary, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau launches, and gay marriage in New York

Conflict & Justice
The World

Financial Reform: Dodd-Frank Bill Lags Behind Schedule

Global Politics
The World

Finance regulation reform 101: Sen. Chris Dodd’s bill goes to the senate

Conflict & Justice

The Senate is scheduled to vote today on whether to begin work on the finance regulatory overhaul bill, which President Obama promoted in New York last week.